# Prerender
Some of your pages don't have dynamic content; it'd be great if you could render them ahead of time, making for a faster experience for your end users.
We thought a lot about what the developer experience should be for route-based prerendering. The result is one of the smallest APIs imaginable!
How's Prerendering different from SSR/SSG/SWR/ISSG/...?
As Danny said in his Prerender demo at our Community Meetup, the thing all of these have in common is that they render your markup in a Node.js context to produce HTML. The difference is when (build or runtime) and how often.
# Prerendering a Page
Prerendering a page is as easy as it gets. Just add the prerender
prop to the Route that you want to prerender:
// Routes.js
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" prerender/>
Then run yarn rw build
and enjoy the performance boost!
# Prerendering all pages in a Set
Just add the prerender
prop to the Set that wraps all Pages you want to prerender:
// Routes.js
<Set prerender> <Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="home" />
<Route path="/about" page={AboutPage} name="hello" />
# Not found page
You can also prerender your not found page (a.k.a your 404 page). Just add—you guessed it—the prerender
- <Route notfound page={NotFoundPage} />
+ <Route notfound page={NotFoundPage} prerender/>
This will prerender your NotFoundPage to 404.html
in your dist folder. Note that there's no need to specify a path.
# Cells, Private Routes, and Dynamic URLs
How does Prerendering handle dynamic data? For Cells, Redwood prerenders your Cells' <Loading/>
component. Similarly, for Private Routes, Redwood prerenders your Private Routes' whileLoadingAuth
<Private > // Loading is shown while we're checking to see if the user's logged in <Route path="/super-secret-admin-dashboard" page={SuperSecretAdminDashboard} name="ssad" whileLoadingAuth={() => <Loading />} prerender/>
Right now prerendering won't work for dynamic URLs. We're working on this. If you try to prerender one of them, nothing will break, but nothing happens.
// web/src/Routes.js
<Route path="/blog-post/{id}" page={BlogPostPage} name="blogPost" prerender />
# Prerender Utils
Sometimes you need more fine-grained control over whether something gets prerendered. This may be because the component or library you're using needs access to browser APIs like window
or localStorage
. Redwood has three utils to help you handle these situations:
If you're prerendering a page that uses a third-party library, make sure it's "universal". If it's not, try calling the library after doing a browser check using one of the utils above.
Look for these key words when choosing a library: universal module, SSR compatible, server compatible—all these indicate that the library also works in Node.js.
# <BrowserOnly/>
This higher-order component is great for JSX:
import { BrowserOnly } from '@redwoodjs/prerender/browserUtils'
const MyFancyComponent = () => {
<h2>👋🏾 I render on both the server and the browser</h2>
<h2>🙋♀️ I only render on the browser</h2>
# useIsBrowser
If you prefer hooks, you can use the useIsBrowser
import { useIsBrowser } from '@redwoodjs/prerender/browserUtils'
const MySpecialComponent = () => {
const browser = useIsBrowser()
return (
<div className="my-4 p-5 rounded-lg border-gray-200 border">
<h1 className="text-xl font-bold">Render info:</h1>
{browser ? <h2 className="text-green-500">Browser</h2> : <h2 className="text-red-500">Prerendered</h2>}
# isBrowser
If you need to guard against prerendering outside React, you can use the isBrowser
boolean. This is especially handy when running initializing code that only works in the browser:
import { isBrowser } from '@redwoodjs/prerender/browserUtils'
if (isBrowser) {
# Optimization Tip
If you dynamically load third-party libraries that aren't part of your JS bundle, using these prerendering utils can help you avoid loading them at build time:
import { useIsBrowser } from '@redwoodjs/prerender/browserUtils'
const ComponentUsingAnExternalLibrary = () => {
const browser = useIsBrowser()
// if `browser` evaluates to false, this won't be included
if (browser) {
return (
// ...
# Debugging
If you just want to debug your app, or check for possible prerendering errors, after you've built it, you can run this command:
yarn rw prerender --dry-run
Since we just shipped this in v0.26, we're actively looking for feedback! Do let us know if: everything built ok? you encountered specific libraries that you were using that didn’t work?
# Images and Assets
Images and assets continue to work the way they used to. For more, see this doc.
Note that there's a subtlety in how SVGs are handled. Importing an SVG and using it in a component works great:
import logo from './my-logo.svg'
function Header() {
return <logo />
But re-exporting the SVG as a component requires a small change:
// ❌ due to how Redwood handles SVGs, this syntax isn't supported.
import Logo from './Logo.svg'
export default Logo
// ✅ use this instead.
import Logo from './Logo.svg'
const LogoComponent = () => <Logo />
export default LogoComponent
# Configuring redirects
Depending on what pages you're prerendering, you may want to change your redirect settings. Using Netlify as an example:
If you prerender your `notFoundPage`
You can remove the default redirect to index in your netlify.toml
. This means the browser will accurately receive 404 statuses when navigating to a route that doesn't exist:
- from = "/*"
- to = "/index.html"
- status = 200
If you don't prerender your 404s, but prerender all your other pages
You can add a 404 redirect if you want:[[redirects]]
from = "/*"
to = "/index.html"
- status = 200
+ status = 404
# Flash after page load
We're actively working preventing these flashes with upcoming changes to the Router.
You might notice a flash after page load. A quick workaround for this is to make sure whatever page you're seeing the flash on isn't code split. You can do this by explicitly importing the page in Routes.js
import { Router, Route } from '@redwoodjs/router'
import HomePage from 'src/pages/HomePage'
const Routes = () => {
return (
<Route path="/" page={HomePage} name="hello" prerender />
<Route path="/about" page={AboutPage} name="hello" />
<Route notfound page={NotFoundPage} />
export default Routes